Saturday, September 11, 2021

See FLUXX play "The MIddle" to a Dancing Crowd at Tumbleweeds HB!

Check out FLUXX playing "The Middle" to a dancing crowd at Tumbleweeds HB on Friday August 20, 2021!

This video is all about the awesome crowd that was there that night. The crowd was so much fun! They sang along to the whole song! Check it out!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Big THANKS To Everyone Who Came Out To See FLUXX At Gallagher's Pub HB Last Friday - 9-3-21!

A big shout out to everyone who came out to see FLUXX  at Gallagher's Pub HB last Friday September 3rd, 2021! Gallagher's Pub is always a blast to play, and we rocked the full house til 1:30am!

Special THANKS to Scott, and to Justin the awesome sound guy., who is leaving soon. Best of luck in your new endeavors, Justin!

Can't wait to play at Gallagher's Pub HB again!

The Fun Crowd!
People Dancing!
Crowd Singing Along!

Gallagher's Pub Huntington Beach RULES!!!!!